Characterization of the Relative Change in Objective and Subjective Metrics by Baselining Patients Who Have Wearable Technology Before Total Knee Arthroplasty

Richard P. Bolander, PhD, Andrew G. Pierce, BS, Rohan K. Mangal, MS, Victor H. Hernandez, MD, Samuel D. Stulberg, MD

April 9, 2024




Wearable sensors and associated supporting technologies (ie, patient applications) can provide both objective (joint position, step counts, etc.) and subjective data (ie, pain scores and patient-reported outcome measures) to track a patient’s episode of care. Establishing a subjective and objective baseline of a patient’s experience may arguably be beneficial for multiple reasons, including setting recovery expectations for the patient and demonstrating the effectiveness or success of the intervention.


In this pilot study, we characterized a subset of patients (n = 82 from 7 surgeons) using a wearable sensor system at least 6 days before total knee arthroplasty and provided postsurgical data up to 50 days postintervention. The 5-day average before surgery for total step counts (activity), achieved flexion and extension on a progress test (functional limit) and visual analog scale daily pain score were calculated. The difference from baseline was then calculated for each patient for each day postsurgery and reported as averages.


On average, a patient will experience a relative deficit of 4,000 steps immediately following surgery that will return to near-baseline levels 50 days postintervention. A 30° deficit in flexion and a 10° deficit in extension will return at a similar rate as steps. Relative pain scores will worsen with an increase of approximately 3 points immediately following surgery. However, pain will decrease by 2 points relative to baseline between 40 and 50 days.


The results of this pilot study demonstrate a method to baseline a patient’s presurgical subjective and objective data and to provide a reference for postsurgical recovery expectations. Applications for these data include benchmarking for evaluating intervention success as well as setting patient expectations.